Vice-President, ICAI

Effective Financial Reporting is crucial towards ensuring transparency and increasing accountability in management of public funds for the benefit of citizens. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI), through its Committee on Public and Government Financial Management (CP&GFM) focuses on capacity building of the finance officials of various tiers of Government in India apart from formulating Accounting Standards for Local Bodies (ASLBs). The Committee strives to assist Central and State Governments and Local Bodies in successful implementation of the accounting reforms and public finance management.

In addition, the committee provides technical inputs to C&AG, GASAB, CGA, RBI, SEBI, CBDT, CBEC, IRDA, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Railways, Municipal Corporations, Department of Post and Telecommunications etc. in India and internationally on the
documents of IPSASB from time to time.

Vice-President, ICAI

CA. Charanjot Singh Nanda

Vice-President, ICAI

Contact Us

Committee on Public & Government Financial Management

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
ICAI Bhawan, Plot No. A-29, Sector-62
Gautam Buddh Nagar,- 201309, U.P.




Secretary to the Committee: Ms. Seema Gerotra